The Massachusetts lobster fishery is our state’s most valuable commercial, single species harvested marine resource within state waters. Massachusetts has the second largest American Lobster fishery in the United States, and ranks third in the world. Massachusetts is the hub of distribution for the majority of the American Lobster supply distributed globally. We play a vital role in the American Lobster industry and it is in our best interest to promote sustainability that guarantees a healthy resource.The LFoM will continue to forge strong partnerships as we move forward to administer new and developing research and education projects. Our board consists of officers and members primarily from the Massachusetts lobster industry with direct knowledge of the challenges facing our industry. To keep overhead costs at an absolute minimum, the Foundation currently operates out of a small office in Scituate with donated space, materials, volunteer resources, and one staff member.
The Lobster Foundation of Massachusetts is doing our best to strengthen collaboration with existing partners and to reach out to new ones who share our vision.